Mp3 Download song Algebra One fireball FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Algebra One song lyrics

Algebra One - fireball Lyrics

a countdown to, a fireball, in my living room.
lets go outside, and watch the planets collide.
the stars are kissing, just for us, and through the deep forest.
a ball of crush I'm told, it's a ufo, it's a ufo, that's a ufo.
invite me, of course i'll come.
you are my shining sun.
invite me, of course I'll come.
you are my shining sun.
lets go back home, before I choke, and look through my telescope.
the one i used last night to look through your window.
you were smiling, just for me, yeah i know that's not what it means.
suffocate in my room, cause I know, I could never be more than a friend to you.
invite me, of course I'll come.
you are my shining sun.
invite me, of course I'll come.
you are my shining sun.
i'm coming for her.
a guided missile.
i gotta kiss her.
oh god I miss her.
not just anyone, not just anyone, not just anyone, not just anyone.
you're my shining sun, you're my shining sun, you're my shining, shining,
shining, sun, sun.
no other one, not just anyone, not just anyone, not just anyone.
i'm coming for her.
a guided missile.
may i please kiss her.
oh god i miss her.
how Pathetic is this, i can't come clean, then the burns will be third degree.
from standing to close, that's the kind of blisters you feel the most.
i've got one month left in summer to feel the sake, and about to I was before you awake.
been waiting all night, three hours of sleep, and four spent being a creep.
maybe five weeks wasn't enough, feelin' so sick, feelin' so sick.
so lets make it six, lets make it six, or seven more, or seven more.
i got eight little tricks in a star, and they're just fine, couldn't screw it up
i'm lookin' at nine, i'll never ware again, i'm reachin' up, i'm touching,
touching sun.
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